Frequently Asked Questions

If you can't find the information that you are looking for, either elsewhere on the site or here in the FAQ, feel free to contact us.

Types of Youth Soccer

+ What is Modified (MOD) soccer?

Younger players (under 11) play MOD Soccer. MOD soccer calls for fewer players, playing on smaller fields. This allows the younger kids to get more touches on the ball, learn more skills, and have more FUN. Each team is made up of players of the same age and gender. The youngest MOD teams (U6-U7) play other MOD teams from within WSC only. No scores or win-loss records are kept. Teams at U8 and U9 begin to play other neighborhood clubs such as Ballard, Queen Anne, and Lake City.

+ What is Recreational (Rec) soccer?

Older players (above 10) play REC Soccer. REC soccer follows all of the rules of Seattle Youth Area Soccer, SYSA. These older kid teams play teams from across the city. Players can try-out to be on a Select team. This involves try-outs to the Seattle-based select soccer program called Seattle United. Try-outs occur each year in April or May. Please see the info on the SYSA Select page or at the Seattle United page.

+ What is Select or Premier soccer?

As the name implies, Select soccer is available to players who seek a more competitive environment. While there are lots of "Select" or "Premier" options out there, Seattle United is the organization affiliated with the Seattle Youth Soccer Association (SYSA). Teams are formed on the basis of ability judged by the technical assessment during tryouts, which typically occur in late Spring. Coaching is centered on the development of the key technical and tactical skills for playing soccer.

As of Fall 2021, players may play for both a Select and a Recreational team, subject to a limit on the number of Select players on each Recreational team. Because Select teams require substantial game and practice commitments that might compete with Recreational schedules, WSC encourages coaches to consider fairness in allocating playing time amongst players who need to prioritize their Select team commitments and are unable to regularly attend Recreational practices and games.


+ Can my child play on a specific team, or with a specific group of kids?

Requests of this kind may be made while registering your child for the upcoming season. Use the "Notes" section of the registration form to notify the registrars that a player would like to try and play with a friend or classmate. It is sometimes not possible to honor these requests. Teams are formed by registrars entirely at their own discretion.

+ When will I hear which team my child is assigned to?

Team assignment for younger kids is often not completed until mid- August and can be delayed if a coach has not been identified or fully registered. Once approaved, your coach will contact you. If you have not heard by then, please contact your registrar.

+ Who is the coach?

Coaches are parent or community volunteers. If you are interested in coaching please visit our COACHES section.

+ When will I hear about when and where practices are held?

Coaches will select practice times and spots in late August. Some teams try to hold a practice or two in August. Others will wait until school starts.

+ When and where are the games?

All U6-U7 teams play at Wallingford playfield on Saturdays through the Fall. The first game is on the Saturday following Labor Day. WSC provides all of the players with jerseys. The players need to provide their own shin guards, soccer shoes, black shorts and socks. There are over 140 teams and roughly 1,300 kids playing soccer with WSC. Team assignment, practice field assignment, and game scheduling are all done by volunteers with the goal of maximizing the number of kids that can play soccer. Please consider this when making special requests to the club staff.

There are plenty of volunteer opportunities at WSC. Please visit our VOLUNTEERS section to learn how you can do your part to help stage almost 1,000 soccer games this coming fall. Refer to <a data-preserve-html-node="true" href="""">Schedules & Standings or <a data-preserve-html-node="true" href="""">Fields for more information.

Shoe Bank

+ When is the Shoe Bank Open?

All year round.

+ Can I take cleats from the Shoe Bank even if I don't bring a pair for exchange?


+ Should the cleats be clean before putting them on the Shoe Bank shelf?


+ What condition should shoes doenated to the Show Bank be in?

If the cleats have holes or broken soles please don't bring them nobody ever takes them

+ Can I leave baseball or (American) football cleats at the Shoe Bank?


Yes, within reason. Some people have dropped off other equipment such as socks, shin guards and balls, so sometimes this stuff is available