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Player Registration

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Players are assigned to teams based on their age as of July 31st in the current fall season year and must be at least 5 years old. To determine your child's Age Group for the upcoming Fall season, use the age division calculator to the right. Because Seattle schools use an Aug. 31 cut-off date for enrollment, kids with August birthdays may not be placed in the same soccer age group as others in their classes. In such cases, we can help to ensure that your child is moved up an age group and placed on a team with other kids in the same school grade.

While registering, your child will automatically be placed in the age group according to the calculator. If your child has an August birthday, there is a free text field in the registration form to indicate whether they should be placed up/down to stay with their school classmates. Parents can make a specific request to the Head Registrar for their child to play in an older age group.


Financial Aid:

  • I’m interested in exploring financial aid, how do I do that?

    • Email for financial aid codes. If equipment is a barrier to playing soccer, we have gear vouchers available to defray the cost of cleats, shinguards, and other necessities.

  • I have a financial aid or volunteer code, where do I enter it?

    • While registering, select the box indicating you have a coupon code. This is one of the initial steps before you get to payment. Once you complete your registration information, the order will reflect the appropriate waiver or discount.

General Registration Questions:

  • I want to/don’t want to play for this team/this coach/with this player, how do I do that?

    • During registration, you will be asked to indicate this information in free text fields. Please check in with the coach (if you know) about whether they expect to have room on their rosters and the team name to make it easier to link you with their rosters. If you want to avoid being added to a particular team, please also indicate that information during registration.

  • What happens after registration closes, is there a waitlist?

    • Yes. If you register registration closes, you will be placed on a waitlist. From the waitlist, we may not be able to honor your request to register with a particular team, even if you’ve previously played for that team. We will fill out rosters of existing teams with players who do not have a team preference, as appropriate, and will then select from the waitlist in the order in which players are registered. We will work to form new teams if numbers permit and we have volunteers willing to coach.

  • My child has never played before, is that ok?

    • Absolutely.

  • I registered, but have not heard from a coach yet, what should I do?

    • Coaches, especially of newly formed teams at the youngest ages, are often not settled until mid-late August. Please be patient as we cajole volunteers (you included) into taking the reins and joining the coaching ranks. Better yet, don’t be patient and register as a volunteer! Also, coaches cannot view rosters until they complete their safety training and background checks. So it may be that we are waiting for those steps to be completed before they can reach out to their rosters.

  • My child plays Select or Premier soccer with Seattle United, Celtic, Emerald City, or another club, can they also play for Woodland?

    • There are some restrictions on whether players who are on “tryout” teams can play recreational soccer, but they depend on a number of fact-specific circumstances such as age, type of tryout team (select v. premier), and number of such players on the recreational team. Please contact SYSA staff to understand how these rules may affect your child’s ability to play for Woodland.

Boys/Girls/All Gender Options:

  • My child wants to play on a team with children of a different gender, can they?

    • At the U9 and below ages, you may register your child for whatever gendered team you think is most appropriate. In the past, we have tried to organize “All Gender” divisions but have met with difficulties forming teams and divisions (see below re All-Gender Team Options). At U10, we play under the rules of the Seattle Youth Soccer Association. Questions about appropriate rostering based on individual circumstances should be directed to

Practices and Games:

  • When are the games?

    • Games typically begin in mid-September and conclude in early November. Depending on the age group, games will be on Saturdays or Sundays. U6-U7 games are traditionally played on Saturdays at Wallingford playfield. We rely on final registraton numbers from Woodland and other recreational clubs and field allocations from Seattle Parks to form schedules, so they may not be available until early September.

  • When are the practices?

    • Practices are scheduled by the volunteer coach, taking into account availability of their schedule and fields. Most teams practice once per week, though some may opt for two practices. Practices typically begin in late August or early September. Practices are held at parks, schools, and sometimes other open space within our geographic boundaries (roughly Wallingford, Fremont, Phinney, Green Lake, Greenwood).

Enter Birth Date
Select birth month & year
 Current Season   Next Season 

Log into Demosphere and submit a registration for the upcoming Fall season (create a new member login if new to Demosphere/WSC). Registrations will be accommodated on a space-available basis, even for returning players. Credit cards will not be charged unless a spot is made available to the player. Contact the Head Registrar for any other questions.

Registration Fees: $150

Registration will close July 31, 2024

Waitlist available. Waitlisted families will be notified by Sept 1. We will do our best to accommodate late register players. We will do our best to roster players with their previous teams, if desired, and if registered before the deadline.

Players who have played for a team in Fall 2023 will not be guaranteed a roster spot if they do not register before the deadline.

Financial aid and gear stipends are available and it is easy. Email Head Registrar and a promo code will be provided to use at checkout. Support can be provided to cover all costs or 50% of registration fees based on need.

Do this prior to starting registration so you can use the promo code!

Verify Age


Proof-of-age is required for Woodland Soccer Club players. Players who have submitted through Demosphere previously do not need to send this in again. Old photocopies will be shredded for non-returning players. Photocopies of any of following documents are acceptable to verify age:

☑ Birth certificate
☑ Passport
☑ Birth Registration
☑ Board of Health Record
☑ Alien Registration Card
☑ Immigration Certificate

Proof-of-age documents need to show the document name/type, child name, and date-of-birth; all other information may be "whited-out." You can also take a photo of one of these documents with your phone (needs to be legible) or save it as a PDF and upload it into the Demosphere registration system. Questions email the Head Registrar. Documents can also be mailed to WSC at:

Seattle Youth Soccer Association

A player is not eligible to play in games until Woodland Soccer Club has received proof-of-age.
